Summer school PinchukArtCentre

 1st course (6-9 years old)

  • Public Program Family Sunday

    The PinchukArtCentre announces the call for applications for the 1st course of the Summer School for children aged 6-9 years old entitled “Colorful Stories: Collage for Children” with artist Angelina Datsiuk.
    The course will take place from June 5 to 7.
    Classes start at 12:15 on the 5th floor in the PinchukArtCentre's educational room. The class lasts 1.5 hours.   Please note that the course requires attendance at all classes. Participation is free of charge. Registration is required: 
    During the three lessons, together with the author and course instructor Angelina Datsiuk, young participants will get acquainted with the technique of analog collage, work with various materials, and create their compositions.
    The course “Colorful Stories: Collage for Children” program: June 5, Wednesday – an overview of analog collage techniques, introduction to materials; collage game for trust and teamwork.June 6, Thursday – use of auxiliary materials for collage: threads, fabric, dried flowers; exercises on the composition of “circle”, “square”, and “triangle”.June 7, Friday – creating quick drawings with felt-tip pens or pastels to be used in collages; collages with text or letters; preparing cutouts for collage and creating a composition. Presentation of all works and exchange of impressions.  
    Angelina Datsiuk is a Ukrainian graphic artist, collage artist, and teacher. She received her art education at the Chamberlain Academy of Arts in Kyiv and the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture. She actively participates in charity projects and fairs and has had exhibitions in Ukraine (Kyiv and Lviv) and abroad (Czech Republic, Germany, Slovenia, Switzerland).
    *The Art Centre doesn't work in case of air raid alerts and power outages. For safety reasons, the presence of parents is mandatory. Thank you for your understanding.

 2nd course (10-14 years old)

  • 2 course (10-14 years old)

    The PinchukArtCentre is pleased to announce the call for applications for the 2nd course of the Summer School for children and teenagers aged 10-14 called “Sounds I'll Take With Me”. The author and teacher of the course is an artist Lina-Maria Shlapak.
    The course will take place from June 12 to 14.
    Classes start at 12:15 on the 5th floor in the PinchukArtCentre's educational room.The class lasts 2 hours. Please note that the course requires attendance at all classes. Participation is free of charge. Registration is required:
    During the three sessions of the “Sounds I'll Take With Me” course, the participants will make an expedition into the world of sounds that invigorate the blood and awaken the heart. The workshop will result in the co-creation of zines that will be included in the second issue of the Buriak magazine dedicated to sounds.
    Course program:
    June 12, Wednesday - introduction to what zine is. Talking about sound and exploring its impact on us. Exercises on listening and recording sounds. Participants will also receive a homework assignment - to collect sounds that generate cheerful emotions. June 13, Thursday - Discussion of common characteristics and features of the found sounds. Playback of sounds on the backs of the zine during the “beetroot” exercises, where we will learn to take inspiration from the environment around us. June 14, Friday - completion of work on zines, presentation of works. Lina-Maria Shlapak is an artist whose posters have been exhibited in France, the Netherlands, Estonia, Israel, Germany, and of course, Ukraine. Between searching for new methods of poster creation and working at the Kyiv-based creative studio twid. Lina produces the Buriak magazine and organizes beetroot workshops. In her free time, she watches Naruto and hangs out with her cat Chili.
    *Buriak magazine is a self-published magazine about love, mindfulness, beauty, and inspiration. Buriak is a map for exploring where the most weightless movements of inspiration come from and why the beauty search is such an integral companion to the human ninja path. Buriak is a manifesto for reality, inspiration, love, mindfulness, and everything without which it is difficult to imagine this disconcertingly scary and beautiful life.
    **The Art Centre doesn't work in case of air raid alerts and power outages. For safety reasons, the presence of parents is mandatory. Thank you for your understanding.

 3 course (6-9 years old)

  • 2 course (10-14 years old)

    The PinchukArtCentre announces the call for applications for the 3rd course of the Summer School for children aged 6-9 years old entitled “How do we tell about ourselves?”The course will be taught by Lada Verbina
    The course will take place from June 19 to 21
    Classes start at 12:15 on the 5th floor in the PinchukArtCentre's educational room. The class lasts 1.5 hours.
    Please note that the course requires attendance at all classes. Participation is free of charge. Registration is required: 
    What and how do we communicate about ourselves? Throughout history, people have used various means to share information with each other. Many of them are related to culture and art: painting, photography, theater, and many others. 
    During three classes together with the artist Lada Verbina, children will learn what helps us to get acquainted with the world around us since childhood. We will talk about fairy tales, illustrated books, drawn and told stories, and look for answers to the following questions:🔸Why do we need fairy tales?🔸Why are there pictures in books? 🔸Why do animals tell people more than they tell themselves? 🔸Why do we often want to decorate everything around us?
    Course program:June 19, Wednesday - we will get acquainted with illustration and colorful works in books and try to explore the question of why there are so many animal protagonists in fairy tales. During the practical task, we will look at the stylization of images and create our own large illustration of a fairy tale character. 
    June 20, Thursday - let's look at the history of theater and make paper interactive puppets from your favorite story, fairy tale, cartoon, etc.
    June 21, Friday - we will invent our own story and create a mini-theater in a box with scenery and cardboard characters based on it. Presentation-exhibition of the created works.
    Lada Verbina is an artist and teacher of children's art classes. She works with various mediums, but mostly with painting and graphics. She also often uses photography and objects. In her artistic practice, the leading theme and method of research is memory and memories, archiving the past.
    *The art center is closed in case of an air raid alert. For safety reasons, the presence of parents is mandatory. Thank you for your understanding.