Ukrainian Paradise
Exhibition within the PAC UA programme

May 31, 2024 — July 14, 2024

Ukrainian Paradise Exhibition within the PAC UA programme

The exhibition Ukrainian Paradise within PAC UA collects and questions the key images, ideas, and slogans that are idealised in Ukrainian society today.
Ukrainian Paradise is not quite hospitable: it is a symbolically and materially overloaded space, where weapons and death are chaotically intertwined with comic images of Patron Dog and optimistic slogans like ‘Good evening, we are from Ukraine’.
Ukrainian Paradise is also a headquarter, where spontaneous popular culture, with its heroes and symbols, coexists with practical things and pragmatic ideas that serve war requirements. They all become sacred in the Ukrainian Paradise, nevertheless there is nothing permanent here.
The exhibition invites visitors to look closer at this heterogeneous collection reflecting Ukrainian Paradise now. At the same time it provokes to answer the question: ‘Who and what will be in the future Ukrainian Paradise?’
The project features Ukrainian artists Ksenia Hnylytska, Yevhen Korshunov, Andriy Rachinskiy, Maksym Khodak, Alina Yakubenko and Kinder Album.Curator: Oksana Chornobrova
