On December 5, 2023, a lecture by Pascal Gielen "Ambiguity and the Politics of Trust" was held at the PinchukArtCentre as a part of the public program of the exhibition of Zhanna Kadyrova Flying Trajectories.
The event was attended by around fifty spectators. For all those who did not have the opportunity to participate, we are pleased to announce that the video recording of the lecture is available on the YouTube channel of the PinchukArtCentre!
Based on his recent books "The Aesthetics of Ambiguity", "Commonism", "Sensing Earth" and "Trust" Pascal Gielen offers a look at the political nature of art and traces the connection between aesthetics and types of democracies, as well as examines the works of Zhanna Kadyrova through the lens of research ambiguity and social trust.