Lecture by Anton Liagusha “In search of ourselves, or memory under the microscope”

Anton Liagusha

On Wednesday, December 4, at 18:30, we invite you to attend a lecture by Anton Liagusha “In Search of the Self, or Memory Under the Microscope” as part of the public program for the exhibition of the shortlisted artists for the Future Generation Art Prize 2024.
The event will take place on the 4th floor of the PinchukArtCentre in the exhibition space (room with Veronika Gapchenko's work). Participation is free with prior registration: 
This year's exhibition of the Future Generation Art Prize 2024 shortlisted artists explores the themes of heritage, memory and identity construction. For example, Salim Bayri, through his experience of migration, reflects on how to balance between preserving the past and accepting change. And Yasmine El Meligi, in her work, tries to rethink the past and find a place for it in the present. During Anton Liagusha's lecture “In Search of Myself, or Memory Under the Microscope,” we will discuss the following issues:● How, what, and why do we remember?● What is multidirectional memory? ● Memory as an experience, a tool, and a way to comprehend reality and work with it.
About the lecturer: Anton Liagusha is a PhD in History, researcher of public history, academic director of the Master's program “Memory Studies and Public History” at the Kyiv School of Economics, has done internships and taught courses at universities in Europe and the United States, including George Mason University, and is a current researcher at the New University in Exile Consortium (New York).
