Discussion "Surzhyky of War"

Discussion "Surzhyky of War"

We invite you to the discussion "Surzhyky of War" as part of the public program for the exhibition "Insubordinate".
The event will take place on Friday, July 12 at 18:00 on the 2nd floor at the reception of the PinchukArtCentre.
Participation is free by prior registration: 
During the event, we will talk about Surzhyk as an imperial legacy, linguistic diversity and identity acceptance. The discussion will revolve around the question of how the role and functions of Surzhyk have changed since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion.
During the discussion "Surzhyky of War", we invite you to address the following questions:● How unique and heterogeneous is the Surzhyk phenomenon?● Translation practices and psychoanalysis: how to work with Surzhyk in different disciplines?● Mimicry and inferiority: how and why does Surzhyk become a part of popular culture?● Is Surzhyk an imperial legacy or can it be a decolonising tool?
The discussion will be moderated by Milena Khomchenko, a critic and curator from Donetsk region, a native speaker of Surzhyk. She is a co-founder and co-curator of the SONIAKH platform, a researcher at the Research Platform of the PinchukArtCentre.
Participants of the conversation:
● Yegor Butsykin - philosopher, psychoanalyst and translator. ● Ostap Ukrainets - philologist, writer, translator, co-founder of the educational YouTube channel and publishing house "Your Underground Humanitarian". ● Marusia Chuprynenko is an actress at the Kyiv Maly Theatre, singer and author of documentary songs, from the Kherson region.
