Lecture "Road Maps of Disorientation: Collective Memory at the Gap of Time" by Oksana Dovgopolova

We invite you to the lecture of Oksana Dovgopolova "Road Maps of Disorientation: Collective Memory at the Gap of Time" as a part of the public program of the exhibition of Zhanna Kadyrova Flying Trajectories.
The event will take place on Wednesday, November 8 at 7:00 pm in the exhibition space on the 4th floor of the PinchukArtCentre.
Participation is free by prior registration:

Lecture "Road Maps of Disorientation: Collective Memory at the Gap of Time" by Oksana Dovgopolova

In the 90s of the 20th century, humanity tried to say goodbye to history. In 2001, on September 11, history hinted that the rumors of her death turned out to be somewhat exaggerated. After 2014, Ukrainian artists confidently announced that Great History had returned to our territory. Miraculously, her return was felt through the time gap. Since the 18th century, history has been considered a predictable process directed in a certain direction. And today we found ourselves at a crossroads. Of course, this has already happened in the world, but the experience of living "on a gap in time" is always unique. We all "remove data" from reality in our way, recognizing each fragment in a new way, and making a new map of existence from these fragments.
Oksana Dovgopolova — curator of the platform of memory culture Past / Future / Art, doctor of philosophy, professor of the department of philosophy of the Odesa I. I. Mechnykov National University. Works with problems of collective memory (local and regional dimension, entrepreneurship of memory, working through the tragic past, etc.); dissertations focused on the mapping of social space with the phenomena of the other, alien and rejected. Since 2014, she has been working in the field of public history, memorial, discussion, and art projects with a focus on collective memory.
