Lecture by Serhy Yekelchyk "Beyond the threshold of the new Ukraine"

We invite you to a lecture by Serhy Yekelchyk "Beyond the threshold of the new Ukraine" as a part of the public program of the exhibition of Zhanna Kadyrova Flying Trajectories.
The event will take place on Wednesday, December 13 at 7:30 pm in the exhibition space on the 4th floor of the PinchukArtCentre in the format of a direct online inclusion of the lecturer.
Participation is free by prior registration:

Lecture by Serhy Yekelchyk "Beyond the threshold of the new Ukraine"

During the lecture, together with historian Serhy Yekelchyk, we will talk about:
● the evolution of Ukrainian society in the post-Soviet period● historical and modern trends that created independent Ukraine and the new Ukrainian society, and also influenced the direction of our future● revolutionary transformations of this turning point and the development of new cultural institutions● a new artistic language and formats of memory, in particular in the context of the work of Zhanna Kadyrova and other contemporary artists.
Dr. Serhy Yekelchyk is a professor of history and Slavic studies at the University of Victoria (Victoria, Canada) and the current chairman of the Canadian Association of Ukrainian Studies. The author of eight books on the history and culture of modern Ukraine, often comments on events in Ukraine for Western media.
